
Go Go Squeez

Go Go Get Some!

July 26, 2010

My kids love applesauce and they are always on the go.  Just this past week, I was packing up lunches for them for soccer camp when I realized that containers of applesauce weren't really very convenient for their outdoor camp.  So often, the contents of those containers end up on their shirts when they attempt opening them.  Then you have to deal with spoons and if those fall on the ground, yuck! Never a good thing!  But they love applesauce, so what am I supposed to do?

As I was contemplating what to put in their lunches, there was a knock at the door.  Sitting on my step was a package.  I opened it up and sitting in front of my was the answer to my dilemma.  (How I wish all my dilemmas could be so easily solved!)  Inside was a package of Go Go Squeez applesauce that I was sent to test out.  How weird was the timing on that one?! 

Go Go Squeez is a portable container of applesauce. 100% fruit, no sugar added, no artifical flavors or preservatives, gluten and dairy free, and you don't need a spoon. They are resealable pouches, with twist tops.  You basically squeeze the applesauce out into your mouth.  They come in different flavors and we had been sent the apple strawberry--they were delicious!  You could have them on the go in the car--imagine being able to let the kids have applesauce in the car and not stress about where it was going to end up!

My kids loved them--I am sure that you and your children will agree! Learn more  and find out where to purchase them at